This is da blog for all yall sports loverz out there

Monday, October 3, 2011

Watcha' Gonna Do When She Comes For You

For all of you hard working students out there that visit the blog during class, esp. during Mrs. Richey's class, DON'T GET CAUGHT!!!! We have heard that you will lose computer privileges. This would not be a good thing in this class seeing as how all the grades are computer based projects! So...our suggestions are to try opening an incognito window in Google chrome and have a tab ready to switch to when you see your teacher approaching. I worked well for us last year. Good Luck!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Requests for "Playlist"

If yall want a song on playlist that isn't already there comment

with the song and your name and we will try to add it!

ITs been awhile

We, the elite sports mag writers, are now sophmores and dont have the wonderful class called ezine anymore :( so this blog is really only useful for listening to sum rad tunes and playin mario when you should be doing your hw...(like what im doing right now). Go cowboys!!! Jets Suck!!! and also, GO RANGERS!!!!!!!!!
kk, back to mario
laters :P

Monday, May 2, 2011

How to Throw Different Pitches

A Two Seam Fastball
A two seam fastball is a pitch that travels faster then an offspeed pitch but still isnt the fastest pitch a pitcher can throw. The two seam fastball goes straight where it is thrown with just a little movement down and away.

A Change Up
The change up is an off speed pitch is the slowest pitch that goes the slowest out of all of the pitches a pitcher can throw. This pitch, when thrown correctly will drop straight down.

A Curve Ball
A curve ball is also an off speed pitch that goes straight down and goes medium speed. This is a tricky pitch to throw and to hit. A good curve ball can drop 2-3 feet and move left to right about 1 foot.
 Clixk here for more pitches

Batting in cricket

Cricket and baseball are thought to be similar sports by many people. However, there are many key differences between the two. Batting for example, has an underhand motion in cricket while in baseball it is an side swing motion.

Click on the picture to read proper cricket batting techniques courtesy of ehow

Batting in cricket is similar to swinging a golf club.
Here are the steps to follow to be a good batsmen.

1. Pick up the bat with your hands forming a V on the handle. Place your dominant hand on the bottom. Take guard from the umpire and mark that spot with a small line cutting the batting crease, which is parallel to the wickets.
2. Place your feet on either side of the batting crease, and rest the toe of the upright bat against your back foot and on the center mark. Look at the bowler along your shoulder. This is your stance.
3. Lift the bat back, to about horizontal, as the bowler's arm goes up for the delivery. This will give you time to bring it through for whatever stroke you want.
4. Move your feet. Step back toward the wickets if the ball is going to pitch too far away for you to reach it with one stride (this is a short delivery). Step out to good-length deliveries and defend, i,e. deaden the ball with soft hands. Play your early shots straight. When you are seeing the ball well, start attacking with shots square of the wicket.

Here is a video to learn more!

  • 2
    Place your feet on either side of the batting crease, and rest the toe of the upright bat against your back foot and on the center mark. Look at the bowler along your shoulder. This is your stance.

  • 3
    Lift the bat back, to about horizontal, as the bowler's arm goes up for the delivery. This will give you time to bring it through for whatever stroke you want.

  • 4
    Move your feet. Step back toward the wickets if the ball is going to pitch too far away for you to reach it with one stride (this is a short delivery). Step out to good-length deliveries and defend, i,e. deaden the ball with soft hands. Play your early shots straight. When you are seeing the ball well, start attacking with shots square of the wicket.

  • How to shoot a free throw

    When you shoot a free throw, you want to first step up to the free throw line. Aline your front toes right behind the free throw line, and do not cross it. Second, loosen up your shoulders, put both hands on the ball and aim for the rim of the hoop. When you shoot the ball, push out with your forearms and snap your wrists to put the movement on the ball. Do not jump, or move your feet, just put enough power to get the ball to go to the hoop, and able to go in. Things to not forget: Use both hands; your non-dominant hand to help support your other hand, follow through, bend your knees slightly, place your feet shoulder length apart, and focus.
    Click here or here to learn more.
    Information gathered from: